This year’s Mint 400 didn’t see Michael Scafuto on the start line as the Trophy Truck was back at Allen Motorsports for a thorough race prep.
Instead our pit crew decided to race and thus Devin and Trent Budd teamed up with Ken Knudsen and Ruben Sanchez to race their 5/1600 bug and Casey Petersen challenged himself to Ironman his Moto class on his Yamaha 450.
They all finished respectable 4th in their classes and made it a fun weekend in the desert, sharing their experiences at the campfire, helping each other in the pits of course the awesome experience of being in the Parade in Las Vegas themselves as racers!
Unlike other cycling events which can be limited by their focus on elite riders, a singular charity or family day out, ours is an all inclusive platform. We cater for riders of all levels, all charitable causes and openly encourage community and corporate involvement.